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Who Are We?

Rocky Mountain Cycling Club is a Colorado community of cyclists who share a love for adventurous, challenging rides. We offer a year-round series of club rides and events and support each other as we pursue our cycling goals.

Our members have a broad range of cycling interests, from road riding to gravel to mountain biking and from competing in ultra-endurance events to working up to doing their first century.

Our program calendar includes the following types of rides and events:

a) Weekend club rides: Our year-round ride calendar features a diverse array of riding experiences. Because we are a regional, rather than local club, we start rides in many different locations and our ride leaders tailor these rides to fit a variety of interests. RMCC is not a no-drop club as a general rule, but we do regroup on a regular basis on most rides. Non-members and members are welcome at any such ride, but we do ask that you become a dues-paying member once you have done three rides with us. The cost is only $25/yr. Please join us! Currently we use to manage this ride calendar.

b) The Charlie Henderson Challenge Series: This is a pre-planned series of 20 century-type rides that span the cycling season that are designed to challenge you, to show you roads you may not have ridden both close to home and across the state, and to foster the development of a community built around endurance riding. The series is a mix of road, gravel, and mixed surface rides. We describe them as “century-type” rides as many of the rides are less than 100 miles, but are difficult in other ways. For those who want to participate in a number of these rides as a series, will will recognize those who complete at least six of the rides and those who complete the most! These are all non-competitive, non-timed rides. Learn more...

c) The Colorado Brevet Series: These are longer-distance (200km and greater) cycling events focused on personal challenge and camaraderie among riders. Brevets are not races. They are personal challenges, and challenges with your riding pals who offer mutual support. The time limits are generous. They accommodate a wide range of performance levels and riding conditions, which as we know aren’t always ideal. It’s about having the persistence and determination to finish, not about your finishing time. This series also includes some shorter (60-70 mile) “populaires” which provide an opportunity to try out this type of riding. Membership is required to participate in these events. Read more.

d) The Colorado Triple Crown: This series provies a collection of single day, timed double century road and gravel cycling events, generally with substantial amounts of climbing. They are some of the most challenging road cycling events in the state of Colorado. While these are not races, they are timed and riders are encouraged to put out their best effort. Membership is also required to participate in these events. Read more.

e) Weekday evening rides: Because we love to ride and love each other's company, we don't just do rides on the weekend! During the warmer months of the year we also host shorter evening rides.

Because we live all over Colorado, of course not everyone can make it to every event or even most rides that we host. Through our e-mail newsletter and through our Strava group, we follow and support each other as we pursue our goals and interests through the season. Our community begins at the club ride, but it doesn't end there.


1) I'm not yet a member. Can I still ride with you? Yes! Non-members and visitors are cordially invited to join us on any scheduled ride; however, after three rides we expect that you join the club. Membership is required for mountain bike rides, tours and special events, including Brevets and Challenge Series rides.

2) Do I need to register to do the ride? No, with the exception of longer brevets and Triple Crown rides, you can just show up at the start of the ride. We do request that you RSVP for rides posted on as this helps the ride leader know what to expect and encourages others to come out as well.

3) What other requirements are there? To ride with us you MUST wear a helmet and agree to follow the rules of the road. Also, you must sign a liability waiver. Some of the longer events involve night riding and as such, lights and reflective equipment are required for those.

4) Will there be anybody there who is slow like me? The RMCC is comprised of a variety of people who have a wide range of speeds. That stated, a few things to keep in mind: a) Different people show up each time, so each ride can take on a slightly different character. Sometimes you may find yourself to be among the faster riders; other times you will be relatively slower. b) We do tend to have a lot of challenging rides and thus RMCC may not be the best club for people just getting into riding for the first time.

5) Will there be anybody there who is fast enough to keep up with me? See number 4 above. While the RMCC does not have any members named Sagan, we do have many men and women who are experienced and well-trained riders!

6) I'm still kind of intimidated. Should I just ride on my own? No! The RMCC is composed mostly of people like you - we want to do a fun and challenging ride while spending time with friends. For us, much of the appeal of club riding is making new friends - people like you! If you come out and do a few rides and determine the club is not for you, you will have lost nothing and you will have done a few good rides in the process!