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HomeD2A 2023 Results

Denver-to-Aspen 2023 Results

2023 was RMCC’s 30th anniversary as a club, and there was no better way to recognize that than to do the ride that in many ways started it all—the Denver-To-Aspen Classic! Over that 30 years the format of the ride and the route have gone through various iterations. This year's version utilized the newer version of the course created in 2017.

It was a cool, grey July 8th morning as twelve riders rolled out from Sloan's Lake Park to the west of downtown Denver. The course ventured west, initially climbing Lookout Mountain and Mount Vernon Canyon, Idaho Springs and Georgetown. As the morning progressed, the sun came out and it became a perfect Colorado mountain morning.

The second major challenge for the riders was the long climb up Loveland Pass, one of Colorado's most spectacular passes at 11,990 ft. The course then traversed into Summit County, passing the ski resorts at Arapahoe Basin, Keystone, and Copper Mountain. The next major climb was the beautiful 11,318 foot Fremont Pass. From there it was a steady descent with a quartering tailwind to Leadville and down toward the turnoff to Twin Lakes. Turning west toward Twin Lakes the gusty headwinds make the going more difficult as the day also became quite warm. The final major challenges was Colorado's famed Independence Pass, peaking out at 12,095 feet. Unlike in most prior years it was perfectly sunny for all of the riders, with no hint of rain.

Riders then make the twisty descent down the western slopes of Independence Pass through Aspen and ending in Woody Creek. The complete ride was 181 miles with 16,000 feet of climbing! Reflecting the good weather conditions, we had a very high finishing rate with 11 of the 12 riders making it to the finish!

Finishing Results:

Ryan Franz   13:16

Rich Rodgers    13:33

Jonathan Fey   13:59

Andy Stockman 14:13

Joshua Peter   14:13

Rowan Hill   14:13

Jeremiah Greif   14:15

Mark Lowe     14:20

Ricardo Stephen  15:20

Josh Benson   15:45

Eric Jacobshagen  16:27

Alex Wilson  Fremont Pass

Congratulations for Ryan Franz for having the fastest finishing time as well as to Mark Lowe for completing his 10th Denver-to-Aspen! Also congratulations to John Benson for completing his first ride of this length/difficulty!

Distance: 180 miles, a point-to-point route from Denver, CO to Woody Creek, CO

Climbing: 16,000 feet, including 3 crossings of the Continental Divide at Loveland Pass, Fremont Pass, and Independence Pass

Time limit: 16.5 hours

Route Map:

Huge thanks to Michel Brossmer and Mark Michel for providing support to the riders along the day, and to Riccardo Stephen and Ryan Franz for co-leading the event!


Mark Lowe celebrating his 10th Denver-to-Aspen!

Ryan Franz giving the impression the ride was easy.

Celebrating a long ride with friends old and new!


Rich Rodgers happy after a long day!

Enjoying a post ride burger at the Woody Creek Tavern

By the end, Loveland Pass seemed like so long ago!